69 results
Oxford Local Plan 2040 Reg 18 Part 2 Consultation
Oxford City Council has been seeking views on the latest stage of the Oxford Local Plan 2040. Part A of this consultation was carried out for 6 weeks in October 2022 to November 2022 and will act as the main process for collating Oxford's residents' responses to our Local Plan policy options. Now a s a Part B of this consultation, Oxford City Council is looking for views on our housing need statistics following the collapse of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050. The responses from... MoreClosed 27 March 2023 -
Budget Consultation 2023-24
Every year, we spend around £100 million providing public services that you, your family and friends use every day. Oxford City Council wants to hear from you on its budget proposals for 2023-24. The Council’s finances continue to be impacted from the fallout from Covid. Car parking income continues to recover but is still less than pre-Covid levels as are town hall bookings and leisure centre attendances. Rental income from shops and offices we own show signs of... MoreClosed 31 January 2023 -
Your views on the proposed Street Trading Policy 2023
We want to hear your views on our plans to update the Council’s Street Trading Policy. The Council’s Street Trading Policy sets out the legal framework for the management of street trading in Oxford and guides the Council as Licensing Authority when it considers applications for Street Trading Consents and the requirements that Consent holders must meet. The current Policy came into force in May 2020 and is due for its three year renewal. You can view the current... MoreClosed 13 January 2023 -
Your views on Oxford's Housing, Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy 2023-28
We want to hear your views on our plans to tackle the housing and homelessness crisis in Oxford. Our draft Housing, Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy for Oxford 2023-28 sets out the Council’s plans and commitments to tackle the housing and homelessness crisis in the city. The strategy has been developed over the last year and is based on the findings of a comprehensive homelessness review and strategy evidence base that we carried out in spring 2021. We... MoreClosed 8 December 2022 -
Your Views on Housing Development Plans at Bertie Place
Oxford City Council’s housing company aims to build 31 new homes on the Bertie Place recreation ground. We welcome your feedback and will carefully consider your comments and questions in further developing plans for the proposed housing development at Bertie Place. For more information on the proposed development please visit www.oxford.gov.uk/bertie-place . The current proposals and the frequently asked questions can also be found below. Please... MoreClosed 18 November 2022 -
(Full in-depth questions) Oxford Local Plan 2040 Preferred Options Consultation
Oxford City Council is seeking views on the latest stage of the Oxford Local Plan 2040. A planning document required by law, the Local Plan 2040 will be used to inform all future planning applications, by setting out how and where new homes, jobs and community facilities will be delivered to make Oxford a better place to live, work and visit. The Local Plan 2040 is a step forward from the Local Plan 2036 (adopted by the Council in 2020). Local residents and other stakeholders... MoreClosed 14 November 2022 -
(Short questionnaire) Oxford Local Plan 2040 Preferred Options Consultation
Oxford City Council is seeking views on the latest stage of the Oxford Local Plan 2040. A planning document required by law, the Local Plan 2040 will be used to inform all future planning applications, by setting out how and where new homes, jobs and community facilities will be delivered to make Oxford a better place to live, work and visit. The Local Plan 2040 is a step forward from the Local Plan 2036 (adopted by the Council in 2020). Local residents and... MoreClosed 14 November 2022 -
Covered Market Masterplan consultation
Oxford City Council is seeking views from local people on a proposed ‘masterplan’ to update Oxford’s historic Covered Market for the 21st Century. These views will be used by the Council to refine the draft masterplan, which sets out proposals for a multi-million pound regeneration of the market to secure its long-term future. This includes a number of proposed new measures, including a new ‘public square’ in the heart of the market and a new... MoreClosed 23 October 2022 -
Oxpens River Bridge Consultation
Oxford City Council would like to get your thoughts on plans for a new pedestrian and cycle footbridge to create a new link to enhance the wider walking and cycling network; improving accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists and reinforcing legibility. The bridge is proposed to be located at Grandpont Nature Park (south side) and Oxpens Meadow (north side) connecting from Osney Mead to the west to Oxford City Centre and the Oxford Train Station and beyond to the... MoreClosed 13 September 2022 -
Appointment of a Hackney Carriage Stand on Park End Street
Public Notice Appointment of a Hackney Carriage Stand on Park End Street Section 63 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Oxford City Council hereby gives notice that it intends to locate a new Hackney Carriage rank on Park End Street, Oxford under the provisions of the above statute. Location:- Park End Street, Oxford - north side, on the main carriageway, from the eastern corner of 4 Park End Street for a distance of 20 metres eastwards, to accommodate 4... MoreClosed 1 September 2022 -
Covered Market Later Opening Public Consultation
The retail environment is changing at a rapid pace. Oxford City Council is working to ensure our historic Covered Market keeps apace with these changes in order for the market to thrive well into the future. Plans are being discussed to extend the markets' opening hours into the evening. This will open the opportunity for the market to contribute to Oxford city centre’s night time economy, as well as provide an opportunity for those keen to shop after work. ... MoreClosed 23 August 2022 -
West End & Osney Mead Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation
The City Council has prepared a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to set a framework for future developments in the West End and Osney Mead area of Oxford. The content has been informed by the feedback received from the consultation that took place in 2021, during which we set out our inital thoughts on the vision for the area. In this consultation we are asking for your views on the content on the SPD, which are: an overall vision for the West End and... MoreClosed 17 August 2022 -
Oxford Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy (OxEVIS) Consultation
The Council has created a strategy that sets out the proposed electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure Oxford will need between now and 2040, to enable those dependent on car use who live, work and visit the city to switch to electric vehicles. in time for the Government’s announcement to stop sales of new petrol or diesel cars and vans by 2030. at a pace that enables Oxford to achieve its zero carbon target by 2040. in a... MoreClosed 30 June 2022 -
Cave Street Standingford House Redevelopment Survey
Oxford City Council would like to invite you to view the proposals for a new building to replace Standingford House, Cave Street. The redevelopment of this site will provide a new modern, flexible, accessible and energy-efficient office space, alongside new tree planting and other landscaping. The building will include space at affordable rates to provide start-up business space for Oxford’s entrepreneurs. The proposals are at the pre-application stage. We wish to share the latest... MoreClosed 28 May 2022 -
Asset Management Strategy
Property assets are an important resource in delivering efficient and effective services to our communities. But ownership, occupation and operation of property assets are not an end in itself and each asset class should have a clear rationale and purpose. The Council is clear that operational, social and commercial investment property assets should pay their way and make a positive contribution either to direct service delivery or to other socio-economic objectives of the Council, over... MoreClosed 10 April 2022 -
Oxford Central (City and University) Conservation Area: Management Plan and Design Advice Consultation
The City Council is currently seeking to undertake a Conservation Appraisal for its Central Conservation Area. The National Planning Policy framework requires authorities to have a ‘positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment.’ A conservation area appraisal outlines the history of an area and identifies and explains what makes it special, including its landscape, history, architecture and townscape. The first stage of the project went out to... MoreClosed 1 April 2022 -
Parks and Green Spaces Survey
The COVID-19 lockdowns have changed our relationship with green spaces. Going outside to our parks and green spaces – even when it was just for one hour a day – has been essential for so many people, highlighting their value and introducing more people to their benefits. We are keen to hear the views of Oxford residents, workers, students and visitors on Oxford’s parks and green spaces as part of a satisfaction survey. If you would like to comment on more than one green... MoreClosed 31 March 2022 -
Budget Consultation 2022-23
Every year, we spend around £100 million providing public services that you, your family and friends use every day. Oxford City Council wants to hear from you on its budget proposals for 2022-23. The last 18 months have proved a financial challenge for our residents and businesses and also the Council’s finances. We have been impacted by both additional costs associated with responding to the pandemic and a very significant reduction in income from car parks, town hall... MoreClosed 31 January 2022 -
Oxford's Economic Strategy Consultation Survey
We are seeking your views to develop Oxford’s Economic Strategy and Delivery Plan. Oxford’s Draft Economic Strategy outlines Oxford City Council and Oxford Economic Growth Board partners’ proposed approach to economic development. It proposes a shared commitment to deliver existing development projects and new initiatives in ways which support the transition to an inclusive, global, zero carbon economy. These three themes each contain a set of ‘Guiding Principles’, to be... MoreClosed 31 January 2022 -
Oxford Heritage Asset Register Public Consultation
Oxford City Council has worked with Historic England, Oxford Preservation Trust and local communities to develop the Oxford Heritage Asset Register (OHAR). The Heritage Asset Register identifies what is significant about local features in the historic environment and highlights their aesthetic, communal, architectural, archaeological and historical contribution to Oxford. This is a means of identifying local value and significance within Oxford that have not otherwise been... MoreClosed 26 January 2022 -
Oxford City Centre Action Plan Consultation Draft
Thank you for taking time to comment on the Consultation Draft of this Oxford City Centre Action Plan. You can find the Action Plan document at the bottom of this page under the heading ‘Related.’ It has been drawn together by Oxford City Council on behalf of all the city’s stakeholders, and is intended to guide policy and actions by all those responsible from now until 2030. This consultation will be supported by a number of workshops with details announced as dates are... MoreClosed 19 January 2022 -
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy
The Council has reviewed its Policy on the Relevance of Warnings, Offences, Cautions and Convictions for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing. The policy contains information about legal requirements, government guidance, Council policy, procedures and standards. It has been produced pursuant to the powers conferred by the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, the Town Police Clauses Acts 1847 and 1889, the Public Health Act 1875 and the Local Government Act 1972... MoreClosed 14 January 2022 -
Statement of Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment
The Council is obliged to determine and publish a Statement of Licensing Policy to keep it under review and to republish it at least every five years. The current statment of Licensing Policy was republished in Feburary 2021. Since this date, the Licensing Authority has carried out a further comprehensive and considered review, taking the pandemic and its effects into account, and also gathering new data, evidence and input from relevant authorities to consider a new Cumulative Impact... MoreClosed 27 December 2021 -
Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2022/23 Consultation
The Council Tax Reduction (CTR) scheme provides help for Oxford residents on benefits or low incomes to pay their council tax. This help is provided as a reduction in the amount of Council Tax to pay. The reduction can be up to 100% of the Council Tax bill. Since the end of national council tax benefit (CTB) in April 2013, councils have been responsible for drawing up their own schemes of support. Oxford is one of a small number of councils who have not reduced the overall level of... MoreClosed 17 November 2021 -
Broad Meadow - Summer 2021
From 1 July 2021 until the end of September, the western part of Broad Street has been transformed into "Broad Meadow" - a new outdoor space containing wildflower meadows, lawns and seating. The main purpose of Broad Meadow is to promote the safe use of the city centre over the summer, to support Oxford’s economic recovery and to inform the development of longer-term options for creating better civic spaces on Broad Street and in other parts of the city in the future. Broad Meadow... MoreClosed 29 October 2021 -
Statement of Gambling Policy 2022-2025
The Licensing Authority are required under the Gambling Act 2005 to review and publish a Statement of Gambling Policy every 3 years. The new policy is due to come in to force on 31st January 2022. We are seeking your views on this draft policy before it is approved by the Licensing and Gambling Act Committee. MoreClosed 15 October 2021 -
Public Consultation: Regeneration of Underhill Circus
Public Consultation Regeneration of Underhill Circus in Barton (further information can be found at http://www.oxford.gov.uk/underhillcircus) This consultation is being undertaken prior to the submission of a planning application, in order to provide local residents, businesses and community groups with an opportunity to comment on the draft proposals. There will be a further consultation that will take place as and when a planning application has been submitted. MoreClosed 1 October 2021 -
Westlands Drive
Oxford City Council (OCC), along with a professional team of consultants have been exploring proposals to provide a number of residential homes on Elizabeth Place. The objective is to provide new, high-quality, affordable housing in varying sizes and occupancies on the under-utilised site to help meet housing needs in Oxford. The purpose of this consultation is to share OCC’s initial proposals for the development of Elizabeth Place and to seek comments from the community about the... MoreClosed 17 September 2021 -
Help us shape the new Oxfordshire Air Quality Website
In March 2021, the five local Authorities in Oxfordshire: Oxford City, Cherwell, West Oxfordshire, South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse, together with Oxfordshire County Council were awarded a DEFRA air quality grant to develop an innovative air quality website for Oxfordshire. We want the new website to be used as an important tool to inform, communicate and raise awareness of air pollution to all visitors and residents across Oxfordshire. The new website will... MoreClosed 5 September 2021 -
Planning Oxford's Future - What's important? (Oxford Local Plan 2040 questionnaire)
This is an early opportunity to get involved in the development of the Oxford Local Plan 2040. The Local Plan can help tackle many of the issues that the city faces, such as our environment, inequalities and climate change. It will set out where and how new development can happen. It will look at what development is needed in the city and try to provide for that. At the same time it will try to keep hold of the things that make Oxford a special place, and see where things... MoreClosed 3 September 2021
69 results.
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