Oxford Local Plan 2040 Submission Draft (Regulation 19) Consultation

Closed 5 Jan 2024

Opened 10 Nov 2023

Feedback updated 8 Mar 2024

We asked

The City Council carried out a Proposed Submission Draft (Regulation 19) Consultation on the Oxford Local Plan 2040 between 10 November 2023 and  5 January 2024.  The consultation offered the opportunity to express views on the soundness of the plan, as defined by the tests of soundness set out in paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

You said

We received a wide range of representations, from residents, landowners, businesses and institutions on whether they considered that the plan meets the tests of soundness.  Some of the representations included proposed modifications to specific policies and sections of the plan in order to make them sound, as well as suggestions for additional policies or site allocations that should be included in the draft plan for submission.

We did

We are currently analysing the representations and producing officer responses to specific points where required. The representations and officer responses will be collated in a summary report that will be made available in due course. The report will also indicate where we propose to make modifications to the plan based on the received feedback.


The City Council is carrying out a Proposed Submission Draft (Regulation 19) Consultation on the Oxford Local Plan 2040.  The Local Plan is important because it will shape how Oxford develops.  It will set out how we want our city to look and feel; it will guide new developments and people’s quality of life; it will deliver the new homes, businesses, jobs, shops and infrastructure needed to support the growth of Oxford over the next 20 years; and it will be used in determining planning applications and to guide investment decisions across the city. 

Why your views matter

The Proposed Submission Draft Consultation offers the public the final chance to express their views on whether the plan meets the tests of soundness set out in paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).  Any comments received will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate who will consider them during the Examination in Public that is expected to take place in Spring 2024.  The Planning Inspector will consider comments as they relate to the soundness and legal compliance of the plan contents. In your representation you should provide succinctly all the evidence and supporting information necessary to support your representation and your suggested modification(s) as applicable.

After this consultation stage further submissions may only be made if they are specifically invited by the Inspector, based on the matters and issues he or she identifies for examination.  We will publicise this in the event it happens.

Links to the where the consultation documents can be viewed are listed below. We have also prepared guidance notes that explain what is meant by soundness and legal compliance.

What happens next

The received comments from the Regulation 19 consultation will be used to inform a final draft of the Local Plan, which we aim to submit to the Secretary of State in spring 2024. The Secretary of State will appoint an Inspector who will subject the submitted plan to an independent examination.  This process is managed by the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) and the timetabling will be outside our control.  However, from previous experience we anticipate the timescales to roughly be as follows: 

Submission: Spring 2024 

Examination: Autumn/Winter 2024 (dependent on PINS) 

Adoption: Possibly Summer 2025 


  • Anyone from any background


  • Local Plan
  • Residents' Survey
  • Pulse Survey