Oxford Central (City and University) Conservation Area: Management Plan and Design Advice Consultation

Closed 1 Apr 2022

Opened 18 Feb 2022


The City Council is currently seeking to undertake a Conservation Appraisal for its Central Conservation Area. The National Planning Policy framework requires authorities to have a ‘positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment.’

A conservation area appraisal outlines the history of an area and identifies and explains what makes it special, including its landscape, history, architecture and townscape. The first stage of the project went out to public consultation in 2018. This sought to seek views on what makes the area special and to understand issues and opportunities.

If you wish to view the background documents for the Central (City & University) Conservation Area Appraisal, please visit our website: https://www.oxford.gov.uk/downloads/download/12/central_university_and_city_conservation_area 

We now want to build on the understanding of what makes the area special to create a management plan and design advice focused on setting out ways to manage change in a positive way that conserves and enhances the conservation area.

Under section 71 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 local planning authorities have a statutory duty to draw up and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas and this can be developed into a management plan that is specific to the area’s needs and which promotes positive change.

We are running a 6 week open public consultation to seek feedback on the Management Plan and Design Advice documents and to gather any additional views which can be analysed and fed back into the documents.


What is a Management Plan?

The management plan sets out the main issues in the conservation area that were identified during Phase 1 of the project and during the initial public consultation and provides recommendations to address them.


What is the Design Advice?

The purpose of the Design Advice is to provide advice to applicants, designers and owners on how the design of new development and alterations to existing buildings might be approached within the conservation area. It is intended to help applicants apply the Government’s national objectives, and the City Council’s design policies to the specific context of the conservation area. The Design Advice therefore amplifies what has already been set out in current planning policy in a way that is relevant to the conservation area, rather than prescribing new advice or standards.

Why your views matter

The purpose of this consultation is to engage local stakeholders and others who have an interest in the conservation area, to raise awareness and to seek feedback on the proposed management plan and design advice and to understand if anything is missing or could be improved upon.



  • General Public
  • Stakeholders


  • Conservation Areas
  • Parks and Green Spaces