68 results
Broad Meadow - Summer 2021
From 1 July 2021 until the end of September, the western part of Broad Street has been transformed into "Broad Meadow" - a new outdoor space containing wildflower meadows, lawns and seating. The main purpose of Broad Meadow is to promote the safe use of the city centre over the summer, to support Oxford’s economic recovery and to inform the development of longer-term options for creating better civic spaces on Broad Street and in other parts of the city in the future. Broad Meadow... MoreOpened 1 July 2021 -
Planning Oxford's Future - What's important? (Oxford Local Plan 2040 questionnaire)
This is an early opportunity to get involved in the development of the Oxford Local Plan 2040. The Local Plan can help tackle many of the issues that the city faces, such as our environment, inequalities and climate change. It will set out where and how new development can happen. It will look at what development is needed in the city and try to provide for that. At the same time it will try to keep hold of the things that make Oxford a special place, and see where things... MoreOpened 30 June 2021 -
Local Plan 2040 - Issues Paper Consultation (in-depth questions to use alongside Issues document)
We are starting the process of producing the Oxford Local Plan 2040 with a public engagement exercise to help shape the direction of the Plan. We have prepared an Issues Paper setting out some of the key context and issues we have identified, which we think will need to be addressed over the Local Plan period. The Issues Paper is supported by a number of topic papers which explore the various topics in greater depth. We conclude with a proposed vision and objectives for the new Local Plan,... MoreOpened 30 June 2021 -
Urban Forest Strategy
Our urban forest is made up of all the trees and woody vegetation in our city and provides us with numerous benefits such as clean air, carbon storage, spaces for recreation and homes for our wildlife. This strategy seeks to set a direction for Oxford to protect and expand our urban forest to help tackle the climate and ecological emergencies that we face. This strategy is not just about city council trees and land it’s about all of the trees and land in the city. We want to celebrate... MoreOpened 28 June 2021 -
Your views on the vision and evidence for the new Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
We are in the process of developing a new Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy for Oxford that will come into place in 2022. As the very first step of this process, we have carried out a review of homelessness and created a wider evidence base that tells us all about the housing and homelessness situation in the city. You can find this document and a summary document below. The review and evidence base will inform the development of the draft strategy.... MoreOpened 22 June 2021 -
Restrictions on lighting fires and barbeques and digging in Parks and Green Spaces
Oxford City Council are consulting on whether to introduce restrictions on fire setting and digging, often for the purposes of recovering buried bottles, in some parks and green spaces in the city. The areas in question include Port Meadow, Burgess Field and Wolvercote Common, Angel and Greyhound Meadow, Rivermead Nature Park and South Park. If restrictions are introduced, b reaches may result in advice being given, a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100 or a prosecution in the... MoreOpened 7 June 2021 -
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) Consultation
The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how and when we will involve different groups, organisations and our communities in the planning process. The document must be used when we prepare and consult on our planning policy documents, including our Local Plan, and explains how we will involve people when we assess and decide on planning applications for new development. MoreOpened 25 March 2021 -
West End and Osney Mead Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation
We would like to get your thoughts on how future developments in the West End and Osney Mead area of the city should be guided. We will use your comments as we develop the West End and Osney Mead Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). This questionnaire contains some general questions about how you feel about the area, some questions about the scope and vision of the SPD (which is set out in the supporting Issues and Scope document ) and some questions to find out... MoreOpened 19 March 2021
68 results.
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