6 results
Proposed update to Oxford City Council parks and open spaces byelaws
Oxford City Council has a set of byelaws in place for its parks, nature areas and play facilities. These provide a set of rules around the use of these public spaces to ensure people behave in way which respects the enjoyment, wellbeing, and safety of others. Byelaws are also aimed to ensure the protection of habitats, wildlife, and the wider environment. Oxford City Council has not updated its parks and open spaces byelaws for over 25 years, and is now considering to: ... MoreClosed 8 April 2024 -
Corporate Strategy 2024-28
Our Corporate Strategy sets out our highest priority areas of work for the next four years. It includes commitments that we will deliver ourselves or in partnership, and where we can use our influence, to help us achieve them. When this strategy is finalised and agreed by your elected Councillors, we will prioritise time, money and resources to achieve these outcomes. This consultation is your opportunity to tell us whether these are the right issues and actions for us to focus on. We... MoreClosed 21 March 2024 -
Oxford Local Plan 2040 Submission Draft (Regulation 19) Consultation
The City Council is carrying out a Proposed Submission Draft (Regulation 19) Consultation on the Oxford Local Plan 2040. The Local Plan is important because it will shape how Oxford develops. It will set out how we want our city to look and feel; it will guide new developments and people’s quality of life; it will deliver the new homes, businesses, jobs, shops and infrastructure needed to support the growth of Oxford over the next 20 years; and it will be used in determining planning... MoreClosed 5 January 2024 -
Residents’ Panel Communications Survey
Welcome to the communications survey. Oxford City Council is carrying out a significant amount of work at the moment, and we think it’s important that we keep Oxford residents informed. The purpose of this survey is to improve the way we communicate with residents. The survey will ask you where you get your news from, where you’d like to get it from, and what you’d like to know more about. To thank you, and in recognition of your time, all members of the Residents’ Panel... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Residents' Panel Welcome Survey
Thank you for joining the Oxford Residents’ Panel and welcome to your first survey in 2023. The purpose of this survey is to gather insight into what matters to you, our residents. This insight will help us plan on how we will run the Residents’ Panel including how we design the surveys , gather responses , share feedback, and so on. To thank you, and in recognition of your time, all members of the Residents’ Panel have been entered into quarterly prize draws to win... MoreClosed 29 June 2023 -
Oxford Local Plan 2040 Reg 18 Part 2 Consultation
Oxford City Council has been seeking views on the latest stage of the Oxford Local Plan 2040. Part A of this consultation was carried out for 6 weeks in October 2022 to November 2022 and will act as the main process for collating Oxford's residents' responses to our Local Plan policy options. Now a s a Part B of this consultation, Oxford City Council is looking for views on our housing need statistics following the collapse of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050. The responses from... MoreClosed 27 March 2023
6 results.
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