Advertising Neighbourhood Area and Forum redesignation applications – Wolvercote and Summertown & St Margarets.

Closed 3 Jun 2024

Opened 22 Apr 2024

Feedback updated 11 Jul 2024

We asked

In April 2024 we ran a six-week consultation inviting comments on both the Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum and the Summertown & St Margaret Neighbourhood Forum. This consultation was launched after the City Council received an application from both neighbourhood forum groups to redesignate their forums in relation to their originally designated neighbourhood areas. 

You said


  • We received 61 responses with regard to the redesignation of Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum.  

  • Just over 94% of the responses were in support of the redesignation of this neighbourhood forum (if you include the 9 no comments as support).  

  • Other comments related to boundary changes and the group's effectiveness in managing any increased revenue from Community Infrastructure Levy receipts.  


  • We received 15 responses regarding the redesignation of Summertown & St Margaret.  

  • Just over 86% of the responses were in support of the redesignation of this neighbourhood forum (if you include the 4 no comment as support). 

  • Other comments related to ensuring that the neighbourhood forum does more to represent the entirety of the population within the forum area.  

We did

We analysed all of the comments received and summarised the consultation responses at Cabinet and will share these with both forums too. We have also ensured that both neighbourhood forums have been redesignated and we look forward to supporting both groups to continue their neighourhood plans.    


The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 requires Neighbourhood Forums to reapply every five years.

The Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum and Summertown & St. Margaret Neighbourhood Forum have submitted applications to Oxford City Council asking to be redesignated as a Neighbourhood Forum. 

We invite comments on either application to be made. Both Neighbourhood Forum areas remain the same as when they were originally designated.   


  • Anyone from any background


  • Neighbourhood Forum