Oxford Heritage Asset Register

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Closes 16 Feb 2025


1. Which OHAR nomination do you wish to comment on? Select all that apply
2. Does the nomination form accurately describe the asset and the character of the area where it is located?
There is a limit of 5000 characters
3. Does the nominated asset make a positive contribution to the character of the local area?
There is a limit of 8000 characters
4. Are there any details of the OHAR Nomination that should be given greater prominence on the relevant Nomination Form?
There is a limit of 8000 characters
5. Can you think of any other ways in which this asset makes a special contribution to the character of the local area?
There is a limit of 8000 characters
6. Would you would like to see any changes made to the Oxford Heritage Asset Register and how it works?
There is a limit of 8000 characters