Urban Forest Strategy

Closed 26 Jul 2021

Opened 28 Jun 2021


Our urban forest is made up of all the trees and woody vegetation in our city and provides us with numerous benefits such as clean air, carbon storage, spaces for recreation and homes for our wildlife. This strategy seeks to set a direction for Oxford to protect and expand our urban forest to help tackle the climate and ecological emergencies that we face. This strategy is not just about city council trees and land it’s about all of the trees and land in the city. We want to celebrate our trees and green spaces and all they do for us and ensure that we make space for new ones be that in your garden, workplace or local park.

This strategy follows the principle of “right tree, right place” and seeks to ensure quality of planting in order to maximise benefits for nature and for people. The strategy sets out how we will maximise the benefits from our urban forest. For example, our data shows that there is a correlation between low canopy cover and areas of deprivation in Oxford. There are also opportunities to enhance biodiversity through focussing on our Nature Recovery Network. Addressing inequality and strengthening biodiversity are central themes of this strategy.

Involving our communities is essential for maximising the benefits from our urban forest. Developing a detailed planting and engagement plan with key stakeholders and partners is the next step and this will be a key output of this strategy.

The full strategy is available to view via the link below, then please answer the questions on the online survey.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing your comments

What happens next

We will try to incorporate your comments into the strategy wherever possible. The results of the consultation will be reported to Oxford City Council's Cabinet in their meeting on September 15th.


  • Anyone from any background


  • Environmental Health
  • Sustainable Innovation
  • Parks and Green Spaces