Help us shape the new Oxfordshire Air Quality Website

Closed 5 Sep 2021

Opened 5 Jul 2021


In March 2021, the five local Authorities in Oxfordshire: Oxford City, Cherwell, West Oxfordshire, South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse, together with Oxfordshire County Council were awarded a DEFRA air quality grant to develop an innovative air quality website for Oxfordshire.

We want the new website to be used as an important tool to inform, communicate and raise awareness of air pollution to all visitors and residents across Oxfordshire.

The new website will allow complete integration of all relevant air quality related information from all district councils in Oxfordshire under one single platform.  It's also expected to be designed to provide evidence and advice in a simple and accessible manner across a wide range of air quality subjects, tailored to and for different age groups and levels of expertise.

Why your views matter

Involving our communities is essential for the successful delivery of this project.

We would like the new website to be able to address a wide range of user needs and engage with the largest amount of users possible, hence it is extremely important  for us to undertand what type of air quality contents and tools you would find more relevant and useful.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing your comments


  • General Public


  • Environmental Health
  • Website
  • Air Quality