West End & Osney Mead Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation

Closed 17 Aug 2022

Opened 29 Jun 2022


The City Council has prepared a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to set a framework for future developments in the West End and Osney Mead area of Oxford.  The content has been informed by the feedback received from the consultation that took place in 2021, during which we set out our inital thoughts on the vision for the area.

In this consultation we are asking for your views on the content on the SPD, which are:

  • an overall vision for the West End and Osney Mead area,
  • strategies to assess and design development schemes that are proposed for the area, and
  • strategies for the redevelopment of key transformational sites in the area. 

We will also ask for your views on the Spatial Framework and Design Guide.

You may answer as many or as few of these questions as you like - you do not need to respond to all of the questions to complete the questionnaire.

What happens next

We will collate comments we receive through the questionnaire and publish a consultation report in late summer.  We will use your responses to help inform any necessary amendments to the SPD draft document, after which it will be presented to the council cabinet to consider for adoption.


  • Councillors
  • General Public
  • Stakeholders
  • Business Organisations
  • Academic Institutions
  • Charitable and Voluntary Organisations


  • Redevelopment and Regeneration
  • Community Involvement