Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) Consultation

Closed 6 May 2021

Opened 25 Mar 2021


The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how and when we will involve different groups, organisations and our communities in the planning process. The document must be used when we prepare and consult on our planning policy documents, including our Local Plan, and explains how we will involve people when we assess and decide on planning applications for new development.

Why your views matter

We are required, under government legislation, to produce an SCI and update it every five years. This document will replace the previous SCI that was adopted by the council in July 2015. An addendum was published in June 2020, which explains the measures the council would be taking in the Planning Service whilst Covid-19 related restrictions are in force. It set temporary measures that have been put in place to minimise the impacts of the restrictions on people engaging with the planning process.

A revised version of the SCI has been prepared which updates the document and consolidates the addendum into the main paper. The revised SCI also takes into account changes to the planning system, through the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and associated planning practice guidance (PPG), and any changes to legislation.

We are seeking your views on the draft document, with particular emphasis on topics including digital consultation methods and how we can best engage with communities whilst Covid-19 restrictions remain in place. You may answer as many or as few of these questions as you like - you do not need to respond to all of the questions. However, please feel free to comment on anything you think may help us improve the document. 

What happens next

After the consultation has ended we will refine the document, taking into the account the comments received before we seek Cabinet approval for the SCI to be adopted later this year.


  • General Public


  • Local Plan
  • Redevelopment and Regeneration
  • Community Involvement