Advertising Neighbourhood Area and Forum Redesignation – Headington

Closed 20 Nov 2024

Opened 9 Oct 2024

Feedback updated 2 Dec 2024

We asked

The City Council received an application from the Headington Neighbourhood Forum  to be formally redesignated as a neighbourhood planning forum.  The application was publicised for 6 weeks and comments were invited from the public particularly those residing or working in the relevant neighbourhood area.

You said

In total, there were 18 responses to the Headington Neighbourhood forum redesignation, summarised as follows:

  • 9 respondents were in support of the redesignation.
  • 4 responses were from statutory bodies (Historic England, Natural England, National Highways, Canal & Rivers Trust) which were general remarks and no specific comments on the redesignation application.
  • 5 respondents called for the neighbourhood area to be extended to include Wood Farm.
  • 1 respondent raised queries on the reporting on the utilisation and disbursement of Community Infrastructure Levy receipts.

We did

The responses have been considered alongside other matters, and have been included in a report to the Cabinet recommending that the forum is redesignated.  The final decision is expected to be made by Cabinet at their meeting on 22 January 2025.


The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 requires Neighbourhood Forums to reapply every five years. The Headington Neighbourhood Forum has submitted an application to Oxford City Council asking to be redesignated as a Neighbourhood Forum.

We are inviting comments on this application to be made within this consultation window. The Neighbourhood Forum area remains the same as when it was originally designated.

Why your views matter

Neighbourhood forums give people a direct say in the development of their area through the creation of neighbourhood plans. The consultation is an opportunity to express support or express any concerns with the proposed area or makeup of the forum.

The responses received to the consultation from the public will inform officers recommendations to Cabinet who will make the decision whether or not to redesignate the Forum and Neighbourhood Area.

What happens next

A consultation statement comprising of a summary of responses will be produced on published on the Council’s webpages.  The findings will be reported to Cabinet to take a decision on whether to redesignate the neighbourhood area.


  • Anyone from any background


  • Neighbourhood Forum