Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2022/23 Consultation

Closed 17 Nov 2021

Opened 22 Sep 2021


The Council Tax Reduction (CTR) scheme provides help for Oxford residents on benefits or low incomes to pay their council tax. This help is provided as a reduction in the amount of Council Tax to pay. The reduction can be up to 100% of the Council Tax bill.

Since the end of national council tax benefit (CTB) in April 2013, councils have been responsible for drawing up their own schemes of support. Oxford is one of a small number of councils who have not reduced the overall level of financial support that was available before 2013, even though government funding for Council Tax support has reduced annually, and ended completely in 2019. Because of government cuts to funding and an increase in caseload due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our CTR scheme will cost us more than £1.9 million this year.

In Oxford, 9.033 people currently get help to pay their council tax, of which 6,056 are working age. The amount of help they get depends on their income and their household, with people on some benefits not having to pay anything. These benefits include income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), Income Support (IS), Guarantee Credit and income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA). People in equivalent circumstances on Universal Credit (UC) will also get 100% CTR support thus protecting the most financially vulnerable.  The scheme also currently protects claimants with children and disabled people as this income is ignored when calculating the income band for CTR entitlement.

The Current banded scheme for both Universal Credit claimants and other incomed claims is;

Income bands


Your weekly income 2021/22

Discount on council tax bill


£0 - £142.99



£143 - £213.99



£214 - £309.99



£310 - £402.99



£403 and over


Why your views matter

The Council is proposing some amendments to the scheme for 2022/23, and this means we need to ask you for your views on the changes we want to make.  Your views count as previously replies on the consultation have impacted upon the scheme we currenlty have in place.

Your CTR will not be affected by our proposals below if you are pension age. Pensioners are still covered by a national scheme of support.  But your opinion still matters as you still receive council servcies.


  • General Public


  • Reductions
  • Council Tax